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What I learnt after 30 days of meditation

Something you should know about me is that I have always been go, go, go. I have worked full-time and studied full-time since I was 14 years old. I haven’t really taken the time to stop and just enjoy life. If you are somebody who is constantly on the move, you will know that it often leads to burn-out, which is not fun. At all.

I’ve hit that stage a few times, every time I would tell myself that I’ll ease back into things, I’ll take things easy and remember to care for myself too but I then I’d go against that and be hit with the same issue of burn-out again.

Thankfully, while I’m still a go, go, go person, I now also take time for myself. I make sure I schedule in that me-time and really enjoy it.

I have “dabbled” in meditation for the past year, trying different apps and types of meditation and I have really struggled to get into it. I would commit for a week but then stop because I didn’t think it was for me. Until this month!

I committed to myself that I would practise meditation for 30 days straight. I really wanted to allow time to feel the benefits before choosing to stop again. I didn’t set unrealistic goals with time-frames of 30 minutes a day, I just wanted to meditate daily. Some days I meditated for 3 minutes, other days I meditated for 25 minutes.

I chose to do my 30 days of meditation with the Bloom App. I started off with the 7-day trial to make sure I liked the style of the app and when I knew I was happy with it, I paid for one year upfront (around 80AUD).

I personally enjoy doing guided meditations but there are a lot of different styles of meditation, so I would recommend you try them all and then you can choose which you liked the most. Of course, you can also mix it up and do different styles. You’re not locked into one style of meditation! I just personally really enjoy a guided meditation.

After 30 days of meditation, I have noticed some changes to my mood, my behaviours and the way I can handle certain situations.

♡ Calmer

One of the biggest changes I have noticed is how calm I am in certain situations.

I’m a bit of a perfectionist, I like my home to be neat and tidy, I desperately want my customers to enjoy their products from me and everything needs to be done to the highest standard.

If things don’t go perfectly, I would usually let it ruin my day. I would often feel terrible anxiety and make myself nauseous.

Over the past 30 days, I’ve noticed that I am handling those certain situations a lot better. I am dealing with my not-so-perfect moments and then leaving them to the side. I’m not letting them ruin my day. I’m honestly just SO much calmer. I don’t think I can put it into words any other way.

♡ A better mother

I do my meditating in the morning, so I actually set an alarm to get up before my son to ensure I get it done each morning.

I have found myself more patient, calm and most importantly, present with my son. I feel that our time together is enjoyed more by the both of us and the little things that usually annoy the heck out of mums, I’m able to handle with little hassles.

♡ Happier and less stress and anxiety

I suffer from stress, anxiety and depression. This past month has been a huge one for me. It’s been my busiest month with my other business (Bras By S) and this business has grown with a lot of podcast and guest blog requests. Along side of this, we have purchased an investment property, had important medical appointments for my son and have been organising a financial planner to help us out.

Usually a month like this would drive me insane and into a breakdown. Don’t get me wrong, it was stressful and there were a few days where I just wanted to crawl into a ball and never step outside again (real talk), but compared to how I would have usually dealt with an insane month like this, I absolutely KILLED it.

I dealt with masses of emails, orders and phone calls daily while being a Mum, partner and working on myself.

I just wanted to mention again that these benefits are only after 30 days of meditating. 30. Days. That’s it. It took a little time each morning for 30 days to become calmer, happier with a lot less stress and anxiety and a much better Mother.

If this isn’t my biggest win of 2020, I don’t know what it is.

With love

Shorina xo

Counsellor + Wellness & Mental Health Coach


Hi, I'm Shorina and I'm an Australian Counsellor + Wellness & Mental Health Coach. I'm here to support you to redefine your relationship to self and life! I incorporate a mind, body and soul wellness approach to my work with a focus on healing and mindfulness ♡


I would like to acknowledge the Awabakal people that are the Traditional Custodians of this land. I would also like to pay my respects to the Elders both past and present and extend that respect to other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders who are present here today.

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