I think we should all live life with the determination of a toddler.
I watch Ezra, my three-year-old, build towers for hours. They fall down and then he rebuilds it over and over again until it's the perfect castle.
I watch Wyatt, my one-year-old, try to climb onto the lounge when he is just that tiny bit too small still. But he doesn't give up. He keeps trying to swing his leg up, grab things and pulling with all of his strength. He is so close and he knows it. He will be on the lounge sooner than we know.
Imagine if we, as adults, had the same determination. We didn't give up at the sign of small inconveniences. We kept pushing ourselves. We kept challenging ourselves. We kept going until we had the perfect castle or until we were on the lounge.
If you would love some beautiful, loving support with finding the energy, capacity and space to keep building your castle or keeping climbing onto your lounge, you can book a session on my website now 💛
With love & support,
Shorina | Mindful Soul Collective
Counsellor & Wellbeing Coach